Do not feed the online trolls in the comment section and Facebook groups
by Robert GillisMay 16, 2020, 2…, maybe 3 A.M.? i think it was the guy who said sunshine kills COVID-19 that finally pushed me over the edge. You just cannot…
26+ years of published Op/Ed columns, professional photography, my first book and more from the 28 known galaxies!
by Robert GillisMay 16, 2020, 2…, maybe 3 A.M.? i think it was the guy who said sunshine kills COVID-19 that finally pushed me over the edge. You just cannot…
by Robert Gillis Published in the Foxboro Reporter and Boston City Paper, 9/2018 Social media, particularly Facebook, has been in the news these past months for various reasons. It’s very…
by Robert Gillis This gem arrived in my spam folder today, and it was so perfectly, wonderfully, amazingly STUPID that I just had to share this one. Obviously, it’s fraud,…
by Robert Gillis Published in the Foxboro Reporter and the Boston City Paper 2/2010 Slow news day. As good a time as any to pick on Facebook. If you don’t…
by Robert Gillis True story: I received this email today; I have not edited it; this is what I got, errors and all: From: FREE LOTTO CLAIM OFFICER Sent: Thu,…
By Robert Gillis Published in the Foxboro Reporter and the Boston City Paper 8/2008 To: All new employees From: Computer Help Desk Department Re: Some helpful tips to make your…
by Robert Gillis published in the Boston City Paper 10/2007 SCAM: You receive an email from a someone you don’t know claiming you have won a large amount of money…
by Robert Gillis published in the Foxboro Reporter, 1/2006 & 1/2007 and the Boston City Paper, 6/2006 & 1/2007. Since eBay no longer allows this ad that I have posted…
by Robert Gillis published in the Foxboro Reporter 11/2005 and Boston City Paper, 2006 SCAM: You receive an email from a “wealthy foreigner” (usually someone related to the royal family…