Springsteen Concert Review by Robert Gillis
I LOVE Springsteen; he’s my favorite artist. I’ve been a fan since 1984 but love nearly all of his earlier work as well as the new. My dream? I just want to shake his hand and say thank you. He’s been there throughout my life when I’ve needed him most. Thanks, Boss.
Devils & Dust Tour,
October 28, 2005 Boston, MA – T.D. Banknorth Garden
Notes: The first of two Boston shows. Despite 9000 people, the set IS intimate, with curtains, lights that look like chandeliers, and a sparse set a piano and not much else. And there was some curveball banter as well, Bruce ribbing the Boston crowd for the other Sox series win, “There’s always 2004”
I have no idea how my wife got ninth row floor but man these seats ROCK!
Bruce seemed relaxed this evening, joked with the crowd and was clearly enjoying himself. What I love about Bruce is he’s a perfect musician whether he’s backed up by the E Street band, session musicians, or just sitting at the piano by himself.
Set list:
Idiot’s delight (Still HORRIBLY distorted — I know it’s intentional but it just doesn’t work)
Living Proof (He wrote this about his first child; so hard to believe Evan James is almost 15)
Devils & Dust (From the new album; this one grows on you)
Lonesome Day (Beautiful!)
Long Time Comin’ (From the new album; love it)
Silver Palomino (This is a song about someone who loses their mother and her spirit comes back as a horse — it’s pretty)
You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)
The River
Tougher Than the Rest (Funny intro to this one — Bruce’s mother loved the crooners of the 50s who sounded like women (you have to talk like women to communicate with them, he said, and his Dad liked songs about getting married, having kids, and going to work. Bruce said he didn’t write too many love songs, but here was one he wrote. Tougher than the rest — any version — is my favorite Bruce song.
Johnny 99 (also distorted and incomprehensible; I’ll take backstreets.com’s word that it really was Johnny 99)
Part Man Part Monkey (Bruce joked that “Intelligent Design” is a misnomer, and talked about recent laws, and suspected “f____g is now illegal.”)
Ain’t Got You (Terrific intro here; he said people always ask what it’s like to be him, and he always answers so humble “it’s just luck, you have to work hard, etc” but he said this song is what it’s like.)
Reno (Interesting song, about a guy getting serviced by a hooker, but he’s not into it at all and spends time looking out the window. “Wasn’t the best I ever had, wasn’t even close.”
Nothing Man
All That Heaven Will Allow
Racing in the Street (Impossible not to get chills when this one is played.)
The Rising (beautiful song; even acoustic. Dream of life. Dream of life.
Lucky Town
Jesus Was an Only Son (Bruce talked a lot about the close proximity of his family in the old neighborhood, his aunts, his cousins, and how during lightning storms the aunts would hold up in a room with Bruce, pulling the shades down — because lightning cannot travel through shades — and sprinkle him with holy water. “I thought this was going on in every house in America.” He described the Catholic upbringing influencing so many of his songs, and his religion being one of beauty and unspeakable horror. This song is about what Jesus might have been thinking about during his life, and the choices he had to make. Very poignant. )
The Hitter
Matamoras Banks
Encore: Growing’ Up (Springsteen began, “There I was — I had too much to drink, I was in Atlantic City, in the penthouse of the Trump Plaza, with two hookers and a ukulele….” At this point we rushed the stage. So close … so close … but not enough to get a handshake. I wasn’t even listening to the song — I just was staring –I love this guy.
My Best Was Never Good Enough
The Promised Land
Dream Baby Dream A cover of an old “Suicide” song from 1979, “Dream Baby Dream is repetitive, but hypnotic and stunning. The depth of feeling transmitted through his voice is something only Bruce Springsteen can do. The words are simple yet so compelling: Dream baby dream. Keep on dreaming.
One of the best shows EVER.