by Robert Gillis
Published as a Letter to the Editor in the Foxboro Reporter 1/2008

On New Year’s Eve I took a ride up to Foxboro Common to get some new pictures of the Nativity Set.

As I approached the beautiful display, I noticed that there seemed to be some papers in the baby Jesus’ crèche. On closer inspection, I saw that the papers were three hand-drawn birthday cards from three different children, drawn in crayon. One was a Friendlies kid’s placemat and featured a nice sketch of a cake with the words, “Happy Birthday Jesus.”

I’d like to say three things:

First, acknowledging I’m a Jaycee and don’t usually single out a member from our hard working parade of volunteers, on behalf of everyone who cherishes the Nativity set, I would like to thank Kathy Brady of the Foxboro Jaycees for her countless hours and effort to not only liberate the Nativity set from its snow-buried storage after a major blizzard, but her painstakingly delicate refurbishing and repair of the pieces herself, and for coordinating the December move and set up. The maintenance, storage, set up and take down of our Nativity has been done by volunteers — and only volunteers — for well over fifty years and by the Jaycee volunteers for many decades.

Second, to all the parents I see bringing your children to visit this Nativity Set at Christmas. Thank you so much for helping them see beyond Santa and the tinsel.

Finally, to the three children who left the birthday cards for Jesus: On New Year’s Eve, you made my heart light up and gave me a much needed boost of faith in people. Your simple action of making those beautiful cards is the best present you could have given anyone. Your cards were an amazing, heartfelt gesture and God bless you for it.

Hello There!

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