1911 New England Medical Gazette ad for 10 Trull Street nursing care (Evanga M.S. Bowen)

The New England Medical Gazette, Volume 46 (1911) (LINK) has an interesting note about 10 Trull Street — an advertisement for patient care services:

Evanga M. S. Bowen
(Graduate of Hahnemann Hospital, Philadelphia)
Offers all the comforts and privileges of a private home to convalescent, chronic and
maternity cases. The best care given to patients, under the direction of their own
physicians. Special attention given to diet and nursing. Telephone, Dorchester 3142-L

Since the Bowen family were the immediate owners before Nana, and I recall Nana occasionally referring to her home as “The Bowen Hospital,” it is evident that Nana was not the first person to run a patient care facility out of 10 Trull – it was the Bowen family, back (at least) as far as when Nana was only 9! Of course, we still don’t know what drew Nana to this occupation, or even to 10 Trull Street, but we now have a clue as to why she chose this house – it had already been run as a business like she planned to start up.